Transformed by the Word: Living a Life of Victory through the Holy Spirit

Transformed by the Word: Living a Life of Victory through the Holy Spirit

Acts 1:8 (NIV) But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” The word “power” is written from the Greek word, “Dunamis”, that has several meanings as follows: Heavenly Father has…

Overcoming Fear of Death: Embracing Faith and God’s Promises

Overcoming Fear of Death: Embracing Faith and God’s Promises

The spirit of death that is working behind the world system will continue to make us depressed, afraid, worried, and anxious as if our lives are threatened. Hence our decisions and actions are often based on ‘fear of death’. As it would be wherever we go, there is a life-threatening menace that follows. We continue…

Mengenal Isi Hati Tuhan

Mengenal Isi hati Tuhan

Pada kondisi dan situasi seperti masa-masa sekarang ini, setiap orang percaya sudah seharusnya makin mendesak masuk di dalam hadirat Tuhan untuk menerima setiap Firman yang akan mengondisikan kehidupan orang percaya jadi selalu aman dalam lindungan-Nya. Bukan sekadar hanya untuk mendapat pemeliharaan dan lindungan dari Tuhan saja, tapi adalah kehendak Tuhan untuk kita melekat dan terhubung…

The Fulfillment of Prophecy: The Outpouring of the Spirit upon All Mankind

The Fulfillment of Prophecy: The Outpouring of the Spirit upon All Mankind

The Holy Spirit is constantly working to do something divine in the lives of believers. But because of the devil’s work which always influences and molds people’s thoughts and emotions through various bad or negative events and conditions that have befallen their lives, various doubts and confusion arise in the mind whether in considerations, arguments,…

The Renewal of the Mind: Remolding our Thoughts to Spiritual and Divine Things

The Renewal of the Mind: Remolding our Thoughts to Spiritual and Divine Things

The Holy Spirit is constantly working to do something divine in the lives of believers. But because of the devil’s work which always influences and prints people’s thoughts and emotions through various bad or negative events and conditions that have befallen their lives, various doubts and confusion arise in the mind whether in considerations, arguments,…