Again the Holy Spirit affirms in my heart that basically in every man’s life there is always a need of God or God’s factor that makes man always have the need of God in his life (Genesis 2:7).
No matter how successful, prosperous or wealthy a man is, if he is not connected with the reality of God and His Will, he will still feel emptiness inside. His search for the reality of God cannot be found in success, wealth or accomplishment that comes from this world!
John 4:13-14 (NIV) Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”
John 10:10 (NIV) The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
In all sorts of ways, the Devil will continue to try to hoard and bury all the ‘needs of God’ in everyone’s life, including in the lives of believers! The devil will use all forms of negative emotion turmoil, including disappointment, hurt, anger, worry, anxiety, stress, dislike or resentment towards someone and so on. The goal is for that person to have the perspective that it would be a ‘vain’ thing to seek God because his condition is not well, not in conducive condition for him to focus in seeking the reality of God.
Not to mention if we talk about the Devil’s trickery that takes advantage of the comfort, success, achievement or wealth enjoyed by certain people.
They will say: “Why should I bother praying or seeking God, so far, I don’t have any needs! All affairs can be dealt with the money I have. So for now I just need to pray in moderation, worship or ministry when I have time or only when I’m ‘moved’. After all, I still support the ministry through the wealth or money that I have.”
There are many other reasons that people can come up with, but all of them are just attempts to quench the ‘thirst’ for the urge to seek the reality of God, by drinking from ‘this water’ John 4:13 (NIV)
Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, That is why, the reality of God is being searched for by a lot of people ‘out there’, including believers and priests who all this time have been living only based on religious liturgies, Christian traditions or various religious celebrations! They are looking for an event or spiritual occasion to occur in their life where the ‘need for God’ in their life can be rekindled to such an extent. So they will do spiritual quests until they truly experience the touch of God’s reality in their lives – they experience personal revival!
Therefore, I confirm to every one of you who has so far opened his heart to accept and unite your life with God’s voice. The principle of truth that God has opened up through my life is to continue to persevere in maintaining the flames of God’s love that is desperately, madly and all-out!
For so long, maybe there are many people who ridiculed you for what you have believed in, but that was because the eyes of their hearts were still blinded by their worldly or fleshly inclinations. But I believe, when the eyes of their hearts are enlightened by the power of the Holy Spirit, they will accept the fact that in your life there is a different and divine kind of life. Truly that is the kind of life they long for!
Continue to persevere in the work of the word and the Spirit that is already happening in your life. Keep on praying for the people you interact with! Because the time is near, God sends His angels to work in the lives of those people that we have been praying for. There is a divine influence that comes from the work of angels that opens people’s hearts so that they experience the work of the Spirit which revives their passion in seeking the reality of God. They experience personal revival because of encounters or interactions with you.
Ps. Steven Agustinus
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